The Pherencia

I’m going to introduce these people here. This will only be a relatively brief introduction as these people and their practices will be considered ancient myths and mysteries for the most part. However, there is an excellent chance for modern practitioners of their crafts and skills.

One such person, at least one well-versed in their history, is Aerilon, the wizard. He has studied all that he can find about the Pherencia, and of the current scholars on the subject, he is considered the most learned. Some may say he has even been able to recreate some of their magics. The notion of this being possible is still considered entirely outlandish and more parlor tricks than anything else. Aerilon has never felt the thoughts of others to be of any importance on these ideas for much longer than most of these nay-sayers have lived.

Although at this point, when Aerilon and Alex meet, there is no direct evidence of the Pherencia being involved. Close inspection, especially in the Wellington Grove escape route into the mountains, points to the architecture used by the Pherencians; it is also something to consider the inherited magics of the people of Nottilham, especially the hidden grove of the Wellingtons and its innate magic qualities.

The Tunnel To The Grove

It took a couple of pauses, but I finally got more of an initial draft for this scene in “The Chronicles” (another 1000+ words). Alex and his best friend Mitch continue to Wellington Grove to harvest timber for the Wellington Sawmill in the village of Nottilham.

Alex stowed his pack in the back of the sled, adjusted his coat, and hitched up his pants, adjusting his suspenders to snug them up. His father taught him many things, but he needed to learn how to sew a stitch. Alex learned what he knew by trial and error, and no one would ever confuse him with a sewist. He thought about asking Mitch’s sister Phoebe, knowing full well that as skilled as she was with a wood blade and quartering a piece of lumber, she was all thumbs regarding needle and thread. However, asking her for some alone time to help him with his needlework would be a good ruse.

In the scene “The Tunnel To The Grove”

Not everything in life is a roaming adventure. Sometimes, even the interactions with the villagers can be an adventure. Learning more about the people who live in Nottilham will help to move along the story and give some more background to Alex and the skills he has learned, and a few more are exposed in this scene.

Blue Bird Approved

OK, so I’m not using the fancy check-mark but I did get my develop account approved so I can automatically tweet these posts (and pages) as they get published here.

Watch for more!

Look for posts about Alex The Ranger and his companions, the village of Nottilham, “The Bellweather Chronicles,” and much more. I look forward to sharing more from the dungeon “room” cartography experience I am gaining (mainly as I meld the ideas of #dungeon23 and some of the locations found in “The Chronicles”) and my upcoming book.

“The Bellweather Chronicles” will be an ongoing story of several characters, with the first focus being on Alex Bellweather, a young ranger on an unexpected adventure.