More Tools Of The Cartographer

It feels like I have settled into the 10×10 grid geomorph style for the majority of my #dungeon23 entries. With that being the case, I have also settled into using a standard six inch by six inch index card.

It makes for a straightforward template/layout to set the map into the center of the card using the third and eighth block of each side as the entrance/exit, although I have also realized that not every entrance or exit needs to access the overall 10×10 grid space. However, I also recognize they should be drawn out all the same.

The ongoing theme of these dungeon rooms/maps touches on possible scenarios and environments that may be used in “The Bellweather Chronicles,” which has been engaging in how it has been applied to the world-building processes behind the lands being traveled by the story’s heroes.

As much as I have been using my daily creations as distractions, they also serve as incentives and inspiration. This is pushing me to improve the maps with more details and better perspectives, justifying the addition of more tools of the cartographer in me… that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. However, I still need to return and get the “Light Cool Gray” version of the pens I purchased today.

Shifting Gears For #dungeon23

Yes, that’s me above. However, I want to work towards using this (@Reistache) account for these #dungeon23 updates on the blue-bird services.

That being said. Although the idea of a single room a day for every day of 2023 is a phenomenal effort and will be quite the accomplishment, I would like to devote some of that time to the actual building of the dungeon as well as the adventure that may happen in it. I’d also like to go into more detail about my approach to this project.

In general, I plan to create my rooms as 10×10 grid “geomorph” tiles to be used in any number of ways, including those not even related to the #dungeon23 project. With these geomorphs, I also plan to provide a means to connect them without necessarily lining them up side-by-side — this leads to the “hallway” rooms I will be focusing on next.

Another underlying concept that I will be toying with is a means to generate the dungeon using a randomized selection of geomorphs and hallways… and potentially other layout “themes” to be worked towards as the project progresses.

With any luck, the quality will also improve over time. Wish me well and follow along on this adventure.