
An interesting idea came across my bluebird stream the other day — #dungeon23; to the best of my understanding, is to create a dungeon room a day using the rooms from each month to build a level. Ultimately, this will make a “mega-dungeon” to be used as one sees fit.

That sounds great; I’ll give it a try. I’m three days in and on pace!

Now, there are several different variations that are already popping up all over the blue bird and I imagine elsewhere although I am only really following the #dungeon23 hashtag there.

My variation is to create dungeon geomorphs with the idea of creating a new geomorph for six days and then randomly generating a layout of those six geomorphs on the seventh day. The idea of randomly developing a dungeon or environment scene has always intrigued me, which may be a great way to create these scenes.

As I continue to diverge here, when I say scenes, think something along the lines as I need to create some background for a novel I am writing (or some may say, including myself, pretending to write).

Now that I have whet your appetite, I hope to continue providing some exciting designs for #dungeon23. I’d also like to generate some interest in a story about a young ranger that may be a mage, a wizard of questionable origins, an old warrior not quite past his prime, and an unusual half-elven waif rescued along the way.

Come along; let’s have an adventure.

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